
Coaching the audacity out of people with rock n’ roll and jumping jacks when required.


    “She has a passion for wanting people to succeed”

      “She is dedicated to the concept of making people better”

        “She always wants people to be the best version of themselves”

          “She acknowledges what others are capable of, helps them see the possibilities, encourages them to keep going”

            “She asks you to push your boundaries for you to reach your potential at a pace that works for you”

              “Her coaching took my brain to a different spot to reframe what I was going through”

              Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
              I took the road less travelled by,
              And that has made all the difference.

              ROBERT FROST
              Coaching once was about showing and ‘telling’ how to change one’s thinking. Coaching has evolved beautifully into discovery. Where the coach ‘asks’ questions to help one find meaning and connection to create the change the desire.
              Robert Frost describes the coaching realm that I embody. It is an honour to create a safe and confidential space for another human being when they are in woods of indecision, confusion, regret, etc. I liken myself to the ‘road less travelled’; a thinking partner vs. advisor. To hold people capable of finding their own way and to bear witness to the achievement of what was once thought impossible. Impossible is I. M. Possible.

              Executive & Leadership Coaching

              If you require a strategic, clarity, action or learning from success partner.

              Divorce Coaching

              If you are overwhelmed by the prospect or process of divorce, find it difficult to balance work with divorce, faced with having to return to work due to divorce, seeking emotional justice in divorce.

              Business Coaching

              If you are starting a business, struggling with your business, looking for ways to grow your business.

              Online Programs

              Coming soon, so stay tuned!

              “When the world becomes a massive mess with nobody at the helm, it's time for artists to make their mark.”

              JONI MITCHELL

              Action is the antidote to despair

              JOAN BAEZ

              If you find yourself thinking about what the next step is, please click on the link below. I look forward to having a visit with you to see how we can work together to create a better today; we are not promised a tomorrow.